
How To Make Your Smart Phone Camera A PC Web Cam

      Welcome guys to my blog. Today I will show you a trick that makes your smart phone a web camera for your PC. It’s easy to apply, but you need a wireless connection, so you can connect your phone with PC using wireless connection.

Note: no need for internet connection just a wireless connection.

This method also makes your phone a microphone which makes it easier to do a video chat with Skype, Yahoo or Facebook. Hope you understand my explanation and if you don’t understand or misunderstand you can write a comment down below or contact with me from contact us page.

Let’s start:

Step1: Download an app from Google play store called Droidcam or you can get it from this link: DROIDCAM

Step2: Download Droid cam in your Windows PC from this link: DROIDCAM

Step3: Make sure that your phone and the PC are connected with the same WIFI

Step4: Install the Droid cam port which you can find it in the Droid cam APK in your phone.

Thank you guys for reading and if you find it useful please hit the share button down below. Hope you enjoy guys, peace.


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