
Iphone 6S & 6S plus Issues

After the huge record that apple get when they sell about thirteen million iphone on three days only, the iphone 6S & 6S plus users found several issues on the device. One from these issues is the overheating; some users founds that the phone is overheating too much while doing some simple tasks. So in this post I will show in details  the rest of the issues that had found and how you may avoid these issues.

Issue 1

As we mention above both iphone “6S & 6S plus” are overheating especially on the screen. This overheating issue came from the powerful A9 chip and the 4K recording. Also while the phone is too hot a notification will appear on the camera app that says the flash is not available now, so keep your iphone a moment while it’s cooling down.

Issue 2

The iphone is rebooting without any reason. Few users mentioned this issue, but till now apple didn’t say anything why this issue exist and how to solve it. The good way to solve it is to go to any Apple store and describe this issue to Apple.

Some advices

If you want to get iphone 6s, you should wait for a few months while apple is fixing this issue, so don’t buy an iphone at the moment and wait until apple fix these issues.

Thank you guys for reading and if you find it useful, please hit the share button down below. Hope you enjoy peace.   


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