
American Company Wants To Change The Name Of The New iphone From 6S To 7

A US marketing company called 6S Marketing demanded Apple to change her upcoming flagship iPhone 6S to the name "iPhone 7", and the reason according to the company is they used Hachtag 6S on "Twitter" and "Instagram" to promote their services on the Internet and explain that it affected of promotions iphone 6S on social sites making marketing operations in retreat.

The company has advertising campaigns in American streets and put a truck in front of a supermarket that owns by Apple in New York City with the slogan "our dear Apple, please renamed it to iPhone 7".

Is not expected that Apple will response to this request, and point out that "Apple" already had a lot of problems faced regarding the ownership rights of famous brand names, including the "iPhone" name that already back the rights of ownership of the company "Cisco", the latter of which filed a lawsuit against Apple to give it up in 2007 after reaching a final agreement between the parties Apple earns the name "iPhone".

It is expected that the Apple to reveal her expected iPhone 6S at a conference convened in the 9th  of September at San Francisco/ America, and waiting for that phone provides the advantage of pressure sensitive Force Touch, this is what we will be able to follow through that date and provide you with every detail .


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