
Microsoft Uses a Clever Method To Attract Chrome & Firefox Users

Competition is considered among browsers is one of the preserved areas in particular, for each of  Google browser “Chrome” and Mozilla Foundation's browser “Firefox” though Microsoft was far from this area with the bad reputation of the browser “Internet Explorer” . Now with Windows 10 intends to do a clever plan to promote the new browser Edge.

Where the reported site Venture Beat that Microsoft used its search engine Bing for users of  browsers’ Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox on its Windows 10 in order to convince users using the new browser Edge instead of these browsers, where during the use of the engine and the search results black bar it shows the writing painted White as if it comes to security and warned him "Microsoft recommends that you use Microsoft Windows on the Edge 10" sentence and when pressure is used to enumerate page features and characteristics of Microsoft's new browser conversion.

The new method adopted by Microsoft to attract users of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, which is only available to users on American soil and confirm that Microsoft will make Windows 10 a reason for the success of the new browser Edge in the near future in all places.


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