
The App That Stephen Hawking Use to communicate is available now (FOR FREE!!!)

Welcome guys to ALDIN TECNO. Today I will show an app that every disable person like Stephen Hawking wants and everyone who wonders how Stephen Hawking could talk. This app was made especially for MR. Stephen Hawking, also the chair that he sets on is made especially for him, but in this post I will show you from where you can get this app from. I forget to mention that this app was made by Microsoft to him.

Wait a second, who is Steven Hoking?

He is a physical scientist, and he made some of the most important theories in physics. He is the most inelegant scientist in the world at the moment.

The app that he uses is called ACAT. After you download and install this app on Windows(YOU WILL FIND THE DOWNLOAD LINK DOWN BELOW), the program will give you some words to spell. Of course you are disable so you can’t read the words, but you should try to train yourself and the app to differentiate every word and the program can recognize what are you saying.

At the end, the training process is very hard to be done, so you should be patient to get your goal from this program. Also there is a manual for this app to help you to use this program.
The manual link: ACAT documentation 
The app link:- ACAT


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