
How to Make Your Own Android, IOS & Windows App in Few Minutes (For Free!!)

Welcome guys to ALDIN TECNO. Today you will see an easy method to make your own app for anything. Feel free to make plenty of apps of your own also with this method you won’t need any code language learning all you have to do is to follow the tutorial in the website that shows everything you need to make your own app, so let’s see how we could do this.

1. Visit Kinetise website which allows you to build a free app of your own in any operating system (Android, IOS & Windows).

2. When you enter Kinetise, you should sign-up to the website to get your own account to build your own apps to your wanted operating system.

3. When you have finished from signing-up and you sign-in to your account, Kinetise website will give a tutorial of the tools available and how you use them to understand everything, and you never find any difficulties in the future. ((You should focus))

4. After you make your app and you want to download it, you should choose your wanted operating system, and then the website will give you a QR code to scan and share options, so you should get a QR reader app like ((QR Code Reader)) “Highly recommended”. Then after you download it and test it, share it with your friends or upload it to Play Store, App Store or Windows Store.

Link: Kinetise 



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