
Huawei Galaxy S6 Edge !!!!

Huawei is new Chinese company that has beautiful phones which have succeed in this year. If Huawei wants to be compatible with other manufactures it should make an awesome phone that stays on the competition for a long time, so if the rumours where true, we may see an eye catching phone from Huawei which may look like Samsung galaxy s6 edge with an iphonify software. This will give a big step for Huawei to compete with Samsung and Apple in the future.

Rumour said that Huawei is going to release a 2K smart phone next year. It will have a dual-edge, Quad HD resolution, Super AMOLED display from Samsung, and the panel itself might be supplied by Samsung. It’s not clear what would be the actual size of this panel, and Huawei will get the biggest handset for 2016 by 3 millions handset. It’s quite possible that a Galaxy S6 edge-like device might be on the cards from Huawei in 2016. Hope that Huawei will provide more features with its featured dual edge phone unlike Samsung. I will provide you if this rumour is true or false as soon as possible.


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